Precision Point Training

5 Reps To Get Stronger

incline pressDo you want to get stronger? Try doing 5 reps per set. Five reps may be the most popular rep range among those whose main goal is to gain strength. Why? Because workouts consisting of 5 reps have stood the test of time and success among those who desire to get stronger. 

Starting Light and Finishing Heavy

I believe that the use of sets consisting of 5 reps would be even more popular if everyone understood that you can use 5 reps with lighter weights as well as with heavier weights. For example, you can start a training cycle by doing workouts with fairly light weights and do a lot of sets of 5 reps. As you progress from workout to workout, keep adding weight while decreasing the number of sets. The key to this is to do the right number of sets of 5 reps in relationship to the amount of weight you are using.

Using 60% of your single rep max will permit 10 sets of 5 reps

When starting with 60% to 62% of your single rep max, most lifters are going to be able to about 10 sets of 5 reps without over training. If you start at this point, you should decrease the amount of sets that you perform by one every time you increase the weight by two to three percent of your single rep max. If you use this formula when starting with 10 sets of 5 reps with 62% of your single rep max, you will finish with one set of 5 reps with 85% of your single rep max. This final weight will generally be close to the maximum weight that most lifters can lift for 5 reps while maintaining good form.

When starting out with lighter sets of 5 reps you can work your way up at a fairly rapid rate to reach your heaviest set of 5 reps over the course of just ten workouts which will take just over three weeks if you are working each muscle group three times per week. You can also work your way up to the heaviest weight you can use for 5 reps over a longer period of time.

In the sample workouts listed below, five workout cycles are listed. Each workout cycle starts at 60% of your single rep max and finishes at 85% of your single rep max, and all sets are done for five reps. The shortest cycle of workouts would take just over three weeks and the longest cycle listed takes 8 weeks.

The exact amount of sets and reps are listed for each workout. Percentages of weight are also listed for each workout. Each percentage is based on your single rep max in relationship to the specific exercise you are performing. The exercises performed should consist basic strength building exercises such as squats, deadlifts, presses, and rows. Just do one basic exercise per muscle group.

If you prefer to include assistance exercises in addition to your basic exercises, do three to five sets of 5 reps for each assistance exercise using 70% to 75% of your single rep max. I recommend that you limit the assistance exercises to one per muscle group.

If you would like to implement a workout plan that is based on five rep training, choose one of the workouts below:  


 10 Workouts: Straight Line Periodization

Workout 1:  10 x 5  60%                    

Workout 2:  9 x 5   62%                     

Workout 3:  8 x 5   65%                     

Workout 4:  7 x 5   67%                     

Workout 5:  6 x 5   70%                     

Workout 6:  5 x 5   75%                     

Workout 7:  4 x 5   78%                      

Workout 8:  3 x 5   80%                      

Workout 9:  2 x 5   82%                       

Workout 10: 1 x 5  85%                      


4 Week Cycle

Week 1

Workout 1:  10 x 5  60%                    

Workout 2:  9 x 5   62%                     

Workout 3:  8 x 5   65%                     

Week 2

Workout 1: 7 x 5    67%                     

Workout 2:  6 x 5   70%                     

Workout 3:  5 x 5   75%                     

Week 3

Workout 1:  5 x 5   75%                     

Workout 2:  4 x 5   77%                     

Workout 3:  3 x 5   80%                     

Week 4

Workout 1:  4 x 5   77%

Workout 2:  2 x 5   82%

Workout 3:  1 x 5   85%


5 Week Cycle

Week 1

Workout 1: 10 x 5  60%                    

Workout 2:  9 x 5   62%                     

Workout 3:  8 x 5   65%                     

Week 2

Workout 1:  7 x 5   67%                     

Workout 2:  6 x 5   70%                     

Workout 3:  5 x 5   75%                     

Week 3

Workout 1:  5 x 5   75%                     

Workout 2:  4 x 5   77%                     

Workout 3:  3 x 5   80%                     

Week 4

Workout 1:  5 x 5   75%                     

Workout 2:  4 x 5   78%                     

Workout 3:  2 x 5   82%                     

Week 5

Workout 1:  5 x 5   75%                     

Workout 2:  3 x 5   80%                       

Workout 3:  1 x 5   85%                      


6 Week Cycle

Week 1

Workout 1: 10 x 5  60%                    

Workout 2:  9 x 5   62%                     

Workout 3:  8 x 5   65%                     

Week 2

Workout 1:  8 x 5   65%                     

Workout 2:  7 x 5   67%                     

Workout 3:  6 x 5   70%                     

Week 3

Workout 1:  6 x 5   70%                     

Workout 2:  5 x 5   75%                     

Workout 3:  4 x 5   78%                     

Week 4

Workout 1:  5 x 5   75%                     

Workout 2:  4 x 5   77%                     

Workout 3:  3 x 5   80%                     

Week 5

Workout 1:  5 x 5   75%                     

Workout 2:  4 x 5   78%                     

Workout 3:  2 x 5   82%                     

Week 6

Workout 1:  5 x 5   75%                     

Workout 2:  3 x 5   80%                       

Workout 3:  1 x 5   85%                      


8 Week Cycle

Week 1

Workout 1: 10 x 5  60%                    

Workout 2:  9 x 5   62%                     

Workout 3:  8 x 5   65%

Week 2

Workout 1:  9 x 5   62%                     

Workout 2:  8 x 5   65%                     

Workout 3:  7 x 5   67%

Week 3

Workout 1:  8 x 5   65%                     

Workout 2:  7 x 5   67%                     

Workout 3:  6 x 5   70%

Week 4

Workout 1:  7 x 5   67%                     

Workout 2:  6 x 5   70%                                            

Workout 3:  5 x 5   75%      

Week 5

Workout 1:  6 x 5   70%                                            

Workout 2:  5 x 5   75%      

Workout 3:  4 x 5   77%

Week 6

Workout 1:  5 x 5   75%      

Workout 2:  4 x 5   77%

Workout 3:  3 x 5   80%

Week 7

Workout 1:  5 x 5   75%

Workout 2:  4 x 5   77%

Workout 3:  2 x 5   82%

Week 8

Workout 1:  5 x 5   75%

Workout 2:  5 x 3   80%

Workout 3:  5 x 1   85%                   


Add Weight To Each Cycle                 

Any time you finish a training cycle, your goal is to repeat the cycle with additional weight. If you have fractional weight plates, you may start each new cycle with as little as two pounds with a short cycle that only lasts three or four weeks. This may not sound like much, but it will add up to 24 to 34 pounds of strength gain over the course of a year, which is a substantial gain for an advanced lifter. Hopefully you will be able to add more weight to the start of each longer cycle.

The ability to add weight from cycle to cycle is the key to long term sustainable progress, and the key to being able to add weight to each cycle is to do each exercise with perfect form and to do the right amount of sets in relationship to the amount of weight you are using. The workouts listed can always be adjusted to your capacity for the amount of sets you can perform at full strength. I would not advise adding more sets to the recommended workouts if you causes you to finish your workouts in a weakened state, nor would I advise doing less sets if you have the ability to do several more sets while remaining at full strength. Learn your capacity for the amount of sets you can perform while remaining at full strength and abide by it.  

If you have never tried a series of workouts that all consist of 5 reps, I recommend giving it a try because the five rep plan is an excellent strength builder. Best of training to you.  

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