Precision Point Training

8 Sets Of 8 Reps: The Super-Fast Workout Option

In the previous article, I wrote about an old school weight training routine called, 8 sets of 8 reps. The article is based on the first seven chapters of a book that I recently added to the homepage of this website. The book presents two versions of 8 sets of 8 reps including the standard version, and a variation that I prefer which I refer to as the 3-3-2 variation. The book challenges you to try both versions of 8 sets of 8 reps to see if one version works better than the other. If you haven’t read the previous article that contains this information on 8 sets of 8 reps, I recommend that you read it before reading this article. (Click here to read the previous article).

This article is based on an excerpt from chapter 8 and 9 of the book which focuses on how to organize your workout time in order complete a workout as fast as possible. This is why chapter 8 is titled, “The Super-Fast Workout.” The rest of this article is a presentation of this information.


Chapter 8

The Super-Fast Workout Option

Perhaps you want to complete each workout as quickly as possible. I know it is possible to perform a very fast paced version of eight sets of eight reps that can be completed in twelve to fifteen minutes. The workouts are based on a two-way split in which you hit each muscle group twice per week over the course of a total of four workouts per week. I would like to say that this workout is possible in any setting, but it is not. In order to do the super-fast workout, you will probably need to have access to one of the following two conditions:

One condition is that you have the privilege of working out alone in a gym, or the gym has enough equipment for you to use any piece of equipment any time you want to use it without ever waiting in line.

A second condition is that you are able to work out at home without distraction.

The bottom line is that the super-fast version of eight sets of eight reps will only work for those who have access to the ideal conditions that make it possible to work out without any interruption, distraction, or waiting your turn for equipment.

Continuous Exercise With No Rest Between Sets

The super-fast workout option is a continuous workout in which no rest is permitted during the workout except for the amount of time it takes to move directly to a different exercise.

My personal preference for the super-fast workout is to organize your muscle groups into two workouts as follows:


Workout 1

Chest muscles

Back muscles

Quadriceps muscles

Hamstring muscles


Workout 2

Deltoid muscles

Calf muscles

Bicep muscles

Triceps muscles


You Must Super-Set Opposing Muscle Groups

The workouts are based on super-sets. What is a super-set? It consists of two different exercises that are performed back-to-back without any rest between sets. In the case of this specific workout, the two exercises that make up a super-set must consist of exercises for opposing muscle groups. If you do two exercises for three super-sets, you would do it as follows:


1st super-set:

1 set of bench presses for 8 reps followed immediately by,

1 set of seated pulley rows for 8 reps

2nd super-set:

1 set of bench presses for 8 reps followed immediately by,

1 set of seated pulley rows for 8 reps

3rd super-set:

1 set of bench presses for 8 reps followed immediately by,

1 set of seated pulley rows for 8 reps


In reference to the example presented above, you do not rest between bench presses and seated pulley rows, nor do you rest before doing the next super set. You alternate between two exercises with no rest until you have completed three super-sets, which equals three sets of each exercise.

Upon completing three super-sets for chest and back, you rest your chest and back for a couple minutes, but you don’t rest by doing nothing. When resting your chest and back muscles, you will train your quadriceps and hamstrings with three super-sets as follows:


1st super-set:

1 set of goblet squats for 8 reps followed immediately by,

1 set of leg curls for 8 reps

2nd super-set:

1 set of goblet squats for 8 reps followed immediately by,

1 set of leg curls for 8 reps

3rd super-set:

1 set of goblet squats for 8 reps followed immediately by,

1 set of leg curls for 8 reps


After three super-sets for your quadriceps and hamstrings, you go back to three more super-sets for chest and back. This is followed by three super-sets for quadriceps and hamstrings. You would then complete the workout with two super-sets for chest and back, and two supersets for quadriceps and hamstrings. The pattern of super-sets should be familiar as you do two groups of three sets, and one group of two sets for each super-set. In other words, you follow the 3-3-2 variation when doing super-sets. This workout should be done twice per week. The complete structure of the entire workout is presented below:


Workout 1:  Perform on Mondays and Thursdays

Super-set Bench press with seated pulley rows for 3 sets of 8 reps 

Super-set goblet squats with leg curls for 3 sets of 8 reps

Super-set Bench press with seated pulley rows for 3 sets of 8 reps.

Super-set goblet squats with leg curls for 3 sets of 8 reps

Super-set Bench press with seated pulley rows for 2 sets of 8 reps

Super-set goblet squats with leg curls for 2 sets of 8 reps


Workout 2

An example of a second workout for the remaining muscle groups consisting of deltoids, calves, biceps and triceps is presented below:


Workout 2 is to be Performed on Tuesdays and Fridays

Super-set DB lateral raises with standing calf raises for 3 sets of 8 reps

Super-set seated DB curls with triceps press-downs for 3 sets of 8 reps

Super-set DB lateral raises with standing calf raises for 3 sets of 8 reps

Super-set seated DB curls with triceps press-downs for 3 sets of 8 reps

Super-set DB lateral raises with standing calf raises for 2 sets of 8 reps

Super-set seated DB curls with triceps press-downs for 2 sets of 8 reps


Remember that there is no rest during the workouts. This means no rest between sets or exercises except the time it takes to move to a different exercise. If you do these workouts correctly, they shouldn’t take more than about 15 minutes and you will be able to squeeze a lot of training into the time span of an hour or less each week.


Chapter 9

The 3-3-2 Option

Eight sets of eight reps is based on what is known as high density training. Density refers to squeezing as much training as possible into the time allotted for your training session. In order to achieve a high degree of training density, you utilize a fast training pace. There are some people who engage in resistance training that respond extremely well to this type of training. If you happen to be one of those people, you may find that some variations of high density training work better than others, which is why I have provided the 3-3-2 variation of eight sets of eight reps.

You may find that the standard version of eight sets of eight reps is the best version for you, but there may be others who find that the 3-3-2 variation works best. My advice is to try both versions and do what works best. In the process of trial and error, you may also come up with your own version that works best. When it comes to training, there are no rules that you have to follow except to follow results. My hope is that the information in this book provides training options that prove to be beneficial and help you come closer to achieving your goals. May God bless you with much success and the best of training.

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