Precision Point Training

Big Biceps, Great Bodybuilders

Nothing stands out more on a bodybuilder than a set of well-shaped biceps with high peaks. Not every bodybuilder has this quality. In fact, some bodybuilders have huge arms, but very little peak on their biceps.

My initial interest in weight training started back in the 1970’s. When I think back to the bodybuilders that first made the biggest impression on me, it usually consisted of those who possessed the best biceps development. If you want to see some great biceps from the past, check out the following videos:

Arnold Schwarzenegger


Robby Robinson


Bronston Austin


Albert Beckles


Larry Scott


Brian Buchanan


Eduardo Kawak


The last three bodybuilders on this blog post have the note-worthy distinction of being natural bodybuilders, yet they still possess outstanding biceps development.

Mike Ashley


Paul Jean Guillaume


John Hansen



How To Build Your Biceps







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