Precision Point Training

Greatest Bodybuilders You May Not Know

Arnold, Lee Haney, Dorian Yates, Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Phil Heath. These are the Mr. Olympias that most people are familiar with. Lou Ferrigno never won the Mr. Olympia, but his part in Pumping Iron and his role as the Incredible Hulk made him famous. All of these guys have names that seem to show up again and again to this day, even though some of them competed almost 50 years ago.

There are other bodybuilders from the past who also had amazing physiques, but you rarely hear of them anymore. Guys who should have won more, but they never peaked quite right for competition, or the judges simply preferred a different type of physique. Whatever the case, there were great bodybuilders who had staggering physiques and a nice combination of size and shape, but they never got the publicity of some of the other top bodybuilders.

The following videos will let you in on some of the most impressive physiques that I can remember, but you don’t hear much about them anymore.


Brain Buchanan



Paul Dillet



Rory Leidelmeyer



Matthew Mendenhall

Eight Time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney believed that Matthew Mendenhall was the most genetically gifted bodybuilder that he competed against.



Eduardo Kowak



Paul Jean Guillaume



Jon Aranita



Kalman Szkalak



Freddy Ortiz


Great bodybuilders have been around for a long time, and some of the greatest seem to be relatively unknown at the current time. There are other great bodybuilders that I’m sure I left out that some would consider to be among the greatest, but the one’s discussed in this article were some of my favorites. Best of training to you.

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