Precision Point Training

Rapid 3’s

incline pressIf you are looking for a quick workout that builds both size and strength, one option is to utilize rapid 3’s. Rapid 3’s is based on a two-part workout. I suggest performing part 1 and evaluating how much energy you have left before proceeding to part 2. If you feel like your muscles have been sufficiently worked with part 1, then don’t feel as though you are required to do part 2. On the other hand, if you feel like you need more work after completing part 1, then add part 2 to your workout. You also have the option of doing part 1 and part 2 as two separate workouts.

Part 1 for Rapid 3’s

When performing part 1 of the workout, the concept behind rapid 3’s is very simple and is done by carrying out the following steps:

Step 1

When performing an exercise, start with a fairly light weight that is only 50% of the maximum weight that you can lift for a single rep. Do 3 reps with your starting weight.

Step 2

Quickly add 10 pounds to the bar and do another 3 reps.

Step 3

Keep adding 10 pounds and doing 3 reps per set.

Step 4

Always strive to maintain a steady even rep pace for all 3 reps of every set. However, you will eventually reach a weight that causes the last rep of your set of 3 reps to slow down. This is when you stop adding weight and you are finished with part 1 of the workout. Your goal should be to reach your heaviest weight over the course of 8 to 12 sets.

Important Points

Make sure to progress from one set to the next quickly. Try to keep your rest down to 45 seconds between sets and do not exceed a minute between sets. Most likely you will reach 80% to 85% of your single rep max before your last rep slows down.

If you have a single rep max that is over 300 pounds for the lift you are doing, you may be better off adding 15 pounds instead of 10 pounds from set to set. If you have a single rep max that is over 500 pounds, add 20 pounds from set to set. The bottom line is to increase weight according to intervals that allow you to hit your heaviest weight within 8 to 12 sets.

This type of workout will have a different effect than taking long rest between sets. If your body is not familiar with this type of workout, there’s a good chance you will be sore the next day.

Optional: Proceed to Part 2

You may find that working up to a heavy set with rapid 3’s is enough to stimulate strength and muscle size, although you can move to part 2 of the workout if you still have plenty of energy and feel that you need more training volume.

Rest 3 to 5 minutes before starting Part 2

When performing part 2 of the workout, you will be doing a different version of rapid 3’s. Make sure you rest 3 to 5 minutes before starting into part 2. If you need more rest to fully recover from part 1 of rapid 3’s, then rest as long as you need to fully regain your strength.

Instructions for Part 2 of Rapid 3’s

For part 2 of rapid 3’s, you can continue to perform the same exercise that you were using for part 1, or you can do a different exercise for the same muscle group. When doing part 2, proceed according to the following steps:

Step 1

Use 60% to 65% of your single rep max. Do not change the weight from set to set, but keep the weight the same for every set.

Step 2

Keep repeating sets of 3 reps, and rest 20 to 30 seconds between sets.

Step 3

Maintain a steady even rep pace when performing each set. However, when you reach a set where the third rep of the set starts to slow down, you are finished working the muscle group you have been exercising.

Things to Consider

If you choose to do parts 1 and 2 within the same workout, you will probably find that you can do so without too much problem for upper body exercises. If you try to do part 1 and 2 for exercises such as squats and deadlifts, it might be overkill. This being the case, if you do part 1 for squats, consider doing a less taxing variation of squats for part 2 such as goblet squats, dumbbell squats, or belt squats. If you do part 1 for deadlifts, consider doing part 2 with rapid 3’s on a different day. In the same manner, the option of doing part 2 on a different day is an option for any exercise, not just deadlifts.

The Rapid 3’s workout is not designed to be the one and only workout that should be used forever, but it is an excellent option that can be used occasionally to contribute to strength gains. If your current training has become boring or is not delivering the results you would like to see, and you are looking for a training method that builds size and strength, consider rapid 3’s. Best of training to you.

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