Precision Point Training

Short Training Cycles

dumbbell rowsIt’s possible to do the same workout over and over again and make progress. This is especially true if your workouts are set up correctly and you know when to stop during a set, and how to do the right number of sets and use the right training frequency. However, many lifters find it beneficial to change their workouts.

Block and Linear Periodization

There are different strategies that lifters can use to vary their workouts effectively. One is block periodization. An example of block periodization would be to set up three training blocks that last three to six weeks each. These training blocks often consist of a light training block for conditioning and hypertrophy; a medium training block for speed and strength, followed by a heavy training block for strength and power. Another strategy is linear periodization where a lifter starts a workout cycle using light weights. They then add weight to their lifts each week for six to eighteen weeks until they are using very heavy weights.

Block periodization and linear periodization have brought fantastic success to some lifters. However, others have complained that the physical qualities such as hypertrophy, endurance, speed, and strength, are developed in separate phases. When one of these qualities such as hypertrophy or speed is developed in one phase, it is often lost during an extended phase that emphasizes a lower training volume and heavier, slower lifting. In order to combat this problem, short training cycles have become popular.

 Short Training Cycles: One Week and Three Weeks

One strategy for using short training cycles is to combine a weekly training cycle with a three week cycle. The weekly cycle emphasizes lighter weights and a greater training volume to enhance speed and hypertrophy at the start of the week, and heavy lifting with a lower training volume at the end of the week. At the same time, a slight increase of about 5% in the amount of weight is added to the lighter lifts each week over the course of three weeks. At the end of three weeks, the cycle starts over.

When a weekly cycle is combined with the three week cycle, it eliminates the problem of losing the training qualities that are developed from one phase of training to the next. When each training quality is trained every week, it is easily maintained without loss. Integrating the various types of training into weekly cycles and three week cycles is often called non-linear periodization.

Example of a One Week Training Cycle

A common example of a weekly cycle in which the bench press is done twice per week for developing strength would be as follows:

Day 1

10 sets of 3 reps using 50% of your one rep max in the bench press to develop speed.

Do one to two sets of a pressing exercise using 50-60% of your one rep max. Do as many reps as possible using a steady even rep rhythm. Stop the set when rep rhythm starts to slow down.

Day 2 (72 hours after day 1)

Work up to a heavy lift of one rep for the bench press or a pressing exercise.

Do two sets of a pressing exercise using 60-70% of your one rep max. Do as many reps as possible using a steady even rep rhythm. Stop the set when rep rhythm starts to slow down.

Combining it With a Three Week Training Cycle

The weekly cycle listed above would then combined with a three week cycle by increasing the weight for 10 sets of 3 reps from 50% to 55% during week 2, and up to 60% during week 3. The max lift that is done each week on day 2 would continue to be done all three weeks. However, some lifters prefer to cycle day 2 as well by doing heavy 5’s during week one, heavy triples during week two, and a max lift for week three. Then the cycle starts over again. I would not recommend that the 5’s and triples consist of straining to barely grind out the required amount of reps, but are done with a weight that allows a smooth, even rep rhythm for all but the last rep of the set. The last rep of a set may slow down a little until strength is increased to the point where no slowing down occurs at the end of the set. Then a small amount of weight can be added.

This same type of training cycle can be used for squats and deadlifts as well, and it is just one example of how a weekly cycle can be used in combination with a three week cycle. You can always modify it or create your own weekly cycle and combine it with a three week cycle in a manner that fits your own physiology. Best of training to you.



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