Precision Point Training

Top Deadlift Experts Show You How

For those who are interested in optimizing your lifting form for the deadlift, I will be referring you to several deadlift experts. Anytime I find a top lifter or coach who gives clear concise instructions, I will add their instructions to this article. These are some of the best deadlifters and coaches in the world who have found great success using the techniques that they teach. 

Expert #1 Eric Cressey

My top recommendation for deadlift expertise is Eric Cressey. He has a free video course that you can sign up for at the following link (click here for Eric Cressey’s deadlift instruction). If you go to the webpage that corresponds to the link, you will see a form that gives you access to Cressey’s free deadlift instruction.

Eric Cressey is an excellent deadlifter himself and coaches volumes of baseball players and strength athletes. He is the Einstein of anatomical function and his knowledge is at the genius level in relationship to how to maximize your exercise form to greatest advantage for performance, safety, and optimum anatomical soundness for just about any exercise. The good thing about Eric is that he will teach you three variations of the deadlift including the traditional deadlift, sumo deadlift, and trap bar deadlift, and explain which body types are best suited for each variation of the deadlift.

Expert #2: Richard Hawthorne

Richard Hawthorne is pound for pound the strongest deadlifter in the world. He emphasizes his belief that proper technique is the greatest key to training and success and performance. Hawthorne believes that lifting technique is so important that the  world’s best deadlift program can fail to produce results when suboptimal lifting form is used. Lifting form distributes the stress correctly over your body so that each muscle is doing its job at the proper time during the lift. If a muscle is either being over-stressed or under-stressed by poor technique, those muscles will end up being over-trained or undertrained. This will prevent those muscles from developing properly and the end result will be a sticking point. Watch Richard’s video if you want his expert training advice.

Expert #3: Andy Bolton

Andy Bolton is one of the few people on the planet who has exceeded a 1,000 pound deadlift. I can remember a time in the past when experts were speculating that a 900 hundred pound deadlift might not ever be achieved, but it has and Bolton belongs to a tiny number who have surpassed it by over 100 pounds. Bolton gives some excellent advice by emphasizing five deadlifting secrets in the following video.

Expert #4: Ed Coan

Ed Coan is one of the greatest, if not the greatest powerlifter of all time. In the next video, he gives instruction to Mark Bell and Silent Mike. Ed doesn’t teach an exact deadlift technique in this video, but stresses variations according to what works for each individual.

Expert #5: Larry Lrkr Barcello

If you prefer the sumo deadlift, Larry Lrkr Barcello gives excellent information on how to set up for the sumo deadlift and how to perform it in the following video

Expert #6: Max Aita

Max Aita is an outstanding coach who is a competitor and coach in both Olympic lifting and powerlifting. Max has coached several top lifting champions and provides an excellent 5 part video series on how to perform the sumo deadlift.

Expert #7: Cailor Woolam

It would be wrong to talk about how to deadlift without including instructions from one of the strongest deadlifters ever; Cailor Woolam. Cailor has deadlifted over 900 pounds at  a bodyweight of just over 200 pounds.  He tells you how to do the sumo deadlift in the following video: 

Expert #8  Layne Norton

Layne Norton excels at both bodybuilding and powerlifting. He is considered to be one of the top authorities on weight training and is highly qualified to offer his advice in regard to many aspects of weight lifting. In the following video, Layne offers his expert advice on how to perform both the conventional and sumo deadlift.

Expert #9: Laura Phelps Sweatt

Laura Phelps Sweatt is a mega strong powerlifter who can deadlift over 500 pounds. She normally pulls using a sumo stance in competition, but feels that it is important to train using both the sumo and conventional style in order to strengthen all of the muscles involved in the deadlift. Her husband Shane is also a powerlifter and an excellent coach. Together, they offer expert advice on how to perform the conventional deadlift in the following video. 


Expert #10: Austin Baraki

Austin Baraki is a an excellent deadlift instructor. His instructions are clear, concise, and easy to understand. This particular video addresses common mistakes and shows you how to correct and avoid mistakes in order to do the conventional deadlift with perfect form. This is definitely one of my favorite deadlift videos.


Expert #11: Jim Elli

Jim Elli is a coach with Reactive Training systems. He has done a lot of coaching and is extremely knowledgeable in regards the deadlift. He offers his knowledge in the following video:

If you still want more information on how to do the deadlift, click on the following link (how to deadlift) which will take you to one of my previous articles on deadlifting technique. Best of training to you.  

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