Progress vs. performance, which is more important to you when you do a weight training workout? If you are consumed by performance, your eye will constantly be on pushing yourself to break a record by doing more reps or using…
Optimum Strength Capacity vs. Emergency Capacity You have an optimum strength capacity. Your optimum strength capacity is not your ultimate capacity for how hard you can possibly push yourself until you can barely move. Your optimum capacity for strength refers…
Training for Strength and Testing for Strength If you are going to test your strength on a regular basis during your workouts, I suggest learning to do so by testing what I refer to as training thresholds (and precision points).…
Progressing at a Realistic Rate This is the fourth and final part of a training series on Keys to Consistent Strength Gains. The focus of this article is on progressing at a realistic rate. Our current culture is fixated on…
In the last article, I discussed that your body’s primary goal for gaining strength is to make it easier for you to lift a given weight. Your body will consistently achieve this goal under two conditions. The first condition is…
The last article on Keys to Consistent Strength Gains Part 1 stressed the importance of training thresholds, which I also refer to as precision points. When you use training thresholds, you will train hard enough, but not too hard, and…
Key #1: Train Hard Enough, but not too Hard A huge key to consistent strength gains over time is understand how to train hard enough, but not too hard. If your training lacks precision in terms of the amount of…
I am of the belief that in order to train properly you must be willing to train within your own strength zone. This mean selecting an appropriate amount of weight in relationship to your personal strength level. Perhaps the two…
In my early years of working out with weights, I was extremely determined. I was willing to work out hard and my desire numbed me to the existence of workout pain. According to a lot of the hype in the…
This is part two of an article where I will be discussing staying in your strength zone when using precision point training methods. Staying in your strength zone simply refers to doing reps and sets as long as you…